Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives

Sponsor An Hour Or Partner On An Event!

Local sponsors of the “... LONGEST OPEN HOUSE have a unique… ” opportunity to impact the success of the event while displaying commitment to the local community. At the Alzheimer’s Association, we take pride in offering mutually beneficial sponsorship packages that offer a wide range of rewards for participating companies and organizations. Sponsors are encouraged to take their commitment one step further by attending the event and sharing about their hour to raise awareness.

Use Our Sponsorship Suggestions Or Create Your Own Partnership

Features Included:
1 Sign Support
Name Placement on Website
Social Media Recognition
Features Included:
2 Sign Support
Name Placement on Website
Social Media Recognition
Recognition before Event
Recognition on Event Promo
Thank Your Recognition
Features Included:
3 Sign Support
Name Placement on Website
Social Media Recognition
Recognition before Event
Recognition on Event Promo
Thank Your Recognition
Features Included:
4 Sign Support
Name Placement on Website
Social Media Recognition
Recognition before Event
Recognition on Event Promo
Thank Your Recognition
Thank Your Recognition on mail
Exhibit Space
Recognition on the Press Release
Features Included:
Sign Support at Home
Name Placement on Website
Game Tournament
Food Truck
Entertainer or Performer
Dance Class
Viral Challenge

Sponsor The Longest Open House Now!

Feel free to make some suggestions on the form below and we will reach out.